In order to remain competitive and relevant in today’s global economy, organizations must focus on:
- Improving Quality and Customer Satisfaction
- Reducing Costs
- Increasing Productivity
- Improving Profitability
- Increasing Market Share
- Eliminating Waste
- Improving Process Flow
- Promoting Employee Commitment and Engagement
- Improving All Performance Metrics
With the right experts and processes in place, organizations may achieve these vital goals. Breakthrough Performance Group delivers on-site training, implementation, coaching and mentoring which enable quick and effective business solutions and true business value. Our consultants have years of implementation experience and are able to leverage the most advanced techniques to achieve maximum results. At BPG, our philosophy is not just to implement, but to teach while implementing change. This approach enables businesses to gain the maximum training experience with a minimal amount of downtime.
Breakthrough Performance On-Site Consulting competencies include:
- Continuous Process Improvement
- Lean Six Sigma Implementation
- Leadership Development
- Cultural Transformation
- Team Building
- Kaizen Event/Six Sigma Project Facilitation
- Change Management
- Quality Improvement
- Strategic Planning
We are focused on assisting organizations and individuals achieve breakthrough improvement and peak performance.
- Breakthrough Improvement – innovative solutions resulting in performance improvement of 50% or more.
- Peak Performance – Achieving the highest potential level of performance for an organization, team or individual.
Whether your organization is domestic or international, we are able to accommodate your consulting needs.
Call Paul Gormas 513-543-0816 or Tasos Georgopolous 513-335-9864 to get started.