Highlights of May 2019 Meeting 

Teri recommend 

  • Assessing your LinkedIn profile from three perspectives:
  1. Technical: Are you using the right words and symbols (such as hash tags) to attract the “right people” to your profile.  That’s critical if you want search engines to find your profile.
  2. Functional: Do you have a photo? Do you have contact information?
  3. Creative: Is your profile all it can be?  Have you listed the certificates you have earned? Use what you have and consider creating content, or starting a blog, to attract attention to your skills.
  • Two You Tube videos: “Seven Best LinkedIn Tips” and “How to Use LinkedIn and Make Your Profile Stand Out.”

Michael Donorovich recommended job seekers: 

  • Network, join groups – and when you have a job stay in touch and give back.
  • Use the option to print out your LinkedIn Profile as a PDF so you can see what others see. Be sure the information highlights what is relevant to your goal.
  • Include keywords from job descriptions that meet your goals. Then put hash tags in front of them so your profile will be pulled up in more searches.
  •  Tweak your profile periodically so it continues to pull into searches and blast out the revisions to your network.
  •  Don’t be afraid to say in your profile that you looking for a job!

Check out Michael’s LinkedIn profile to see what worked for him.