Meet Marcelina Robledo
Marcelina “Marcy” Robledo, digital marketer and social media consultant, attended a Breakthrough Performance Group (BPG) Lean Six Sigma (LSS) White Belt class at the urging of Teresa Nichols, BPG’s Social Media Manager. As the class progressed, Marcy realized the LSS tools could help her clients. She signed up for the Black Belt course and got to know BPG principals Paul Gormas and Tasos Georgopoulos. Now, as BPG’s Director of Organizational Development (DOD), Marcy is working to expand BPG’s training and consulting services to non-traditional sectors such as the creative services.
Marcy’s efforts include:
- Introducing high school and college graduates to Yellow Belt training as a supplement to their degrees.
- Developing relationships with businesses interested in training staff to earn Green or Black Belts.
- Working with BPG consultants on LSS projects. Marcy emphasizes BPG consultants have extensive experience in many different industries and operational areas, including Human Resources, Finance, Supply Chain, and Creative that can be applied to any industry or problem.
- Championing the value of LSS training to investors, entrepreneurs, and non-profits.
That last area is especially close to Marcy’s heart because her consulting businesses focused on helping entrepreneurs, non-profits, and artists with branding, digital marketing, and business development.
What Marcy wants Entrepreneurs and Artists to Know about LSS Training:
- A good understanding of LSS practices will help your business get off to a good start and stay on track. LSS’s DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) process can be applied to any problem you may have.
- Don’t be put off by the statistical aspects of LSS. BPG training includes macros that do the statistical calculations based on data provided. What’s important is for you to (1) identify the data that is important to analyze, (2) understand the outputs of the reports and (3) be able to present the information to management using the appropriate charts.
What Marcy Wants Investors, and Non-Profits to know about LSS: When you are investing in businesses, projects, or individuals, you want good information to get the most out of your investment dollars. Marcy feels so strongly about the value of LSS in this area that she recommends making completing the Yellow Belt training, if not the Black Belt training, a prerequisite to funding/investing. She knows that the DMAIC process will:
- Help you understand the issues the organization or product you are funding may need to address to be successful.
- Give you the tools to monitor progress and understand results.
What Marcy Wants BPG Alumni to Know: While Marcy is focused on building new business, she is also finding ways to support alumni. She is especially interested in finding opportunities for Black Belt alumni to put their training to work on projects for local communities and non-profits. While most of these opportunities are not paid, they make great additions to resumes. Marcy reports on these opportunities at BPG’s monthly alumni meetings.