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Supply Chain Management, Risk Management, and Lean Six Sigma 

Lean Six Sigma and SCM BPG Regional Director and Supply Chain Management Consultant (SCM) J.B. Wilcox  tells his students and consulting clients “There is a lot of crossover between the principles of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and a well-run supply chain.”  These principles include trust, focus on [...]

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Alumni in Action: Marketer and Consultant Chris Spanier

Chris Spanier,  a marketing, process improvement, and strategic planning consultant, is always interested in learning new things and expanding his skills. So, when he had the chance to take Lean Six Sigma (LSS) training with Breakthrough Performance Group he readily took it. Like many people, [...]

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Use Your BPG Lean Six Sigma Certification to Land a Job

Congratulations, you have earned your BPG Lean Six Sigma certification (Yellow, Green, or Black Belt). Now,  how can you use your training to your advantage when looking for a new job? Learn Who Wants Your Skills Add Lean Six Sigma to your job search criteria and check out the results.  Even if [...]

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Apply DMAIC to Your Job Search

BPG Regional Director Beverly Motley always urges her Lean Six Sigma (LSS) students to immediately find a project to practice the tools and strategies they’ve learned. But what if you don’t have a job-related or volunteer project?  Several BPG graduates have used the DMAIC process and LSS tools [...]

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How to Use a Modified Five Whys Method in Your Job Search

So many people have lost their jobs and careers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The job market is tight, recovery is slow, and in some industries, jobs are still vanishing.  As a result, many professionals are reconsidering their careers and lifestyles. If you are taking this time to reimagine [...]

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Alumni in Action: Bill Fleissner

Bill Fleissner’s job involves designing and improving processes. His responsibility requires he transform existing processes into a well-running engine — getting things done faster without sacrificing quality.  His work lets him blend two of his favorite activities:  analyzing business [...]

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PMP Exam Prep: A Valuable Experience for Experienced Project Manager Jana Lewis

Jana Lewis has 15 years of experience as a project manager working for a publishing company and as a business owner.  She’s been responsible for producing complex book projects, developing content for digital products, and for managing independent contractors, off-shore vendors, and authors in [...]

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We asked alumni and other associates to share their tips on moving from employee to contractor. We especially thank  Teresa Nichols, LSSBB and Pamela Wallace, PMP for their contributions.   Here’s what we learned:  1. Treat becoming a contractor like a project.  Understand your goals, [...]

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Lean Six Sigma and Health Care Industry: Industry Insights

We recently spoke to Stuart Cox, a  BPG LSSBB (2013)  graduate who has since acquired substantial experience applying his Lean Six Sigma skills in health care.  He is currently working as a consultant focused on Health Care and  Food Service for Creative Process Solutions, LLC. He sees a lot of [...]

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Clues for May 2020 VOICES Word Scramble

A – Analysis used to identify three types of customer requirements. B – Build quality into a product to avoid errors and defects. C -This diagram lets you “see” how work flows through an area. D -This fish-shaped diagram helps identify root cause reasons. E -Track [...]

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